Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sad, Very Sad

It's been so long since I worked out on my elliptical machine at home, that it now has stuff growing on it!

It makes a nice plant stand too!

At least I haven't been totally inactive. I've started going to classes at the gym again, and have made it my goal to make it to Body Pump twice a week. And I'm walking to work whenever I can, which works out to about two miles a day, three days a week.

I'm still in the process of unpacking and rearranging, so as soon as I can figure out a better place to put the plant, I'll move it and hopefully start ellipticizing again.


kari anne said...

WOW!! She posted a blog!! Guess what?! Me too! You need to check it out, and blog more! Love the fact that the plant is in such a place of horror, I mean honor. Anyway, will call tomorrow. love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'll be seeing you at the gym more often. It really makes me happier to work out next to people I know!