Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just Checking In

I didn't intentionally plan it, but this past week and this next week are insanely busy for me at work. Plus, there have been several changes at home, with Sis moving out and preparing for a new roommate to move in. And I have been knitting like crazy on my Juliet cardi for the Knitter Project, which I was supposed to have mailed by yesterday (yeah, that didn't happen; maybe by Monday it'll be ready to go out). So in the midst of all this, exercising has unfortunately taken a backseat. My goals this week were to do some sort of cardio every day and make it to BodyPump three times. Well, I only managed cardio two days this week and I only made it to one BodyPump.

I had a great time at BodyPump today; it felt good to get back into it after more than a week away. I increased weights for a couple tracks to really challenge myself. If I get up and make it to BodyPump on Saturday mornings, I seem to be in a better mood for the rest of the day. Karrie pointed out a few weeks ago when I was whining about the weather that exercising releases mood-boosting endorphins so maybe that has something to do with it. I am going to copy one of Karrie's posts and record what weights I use for BodyPump so that I can look back in a few months and see if how much I've improved.
  • Warm up: medium & small
  • Squats: medium & medium
  • Chest: medium
  • Back: medium & small
  • Triceps: small & small
  • Biceps: small & small
  • Shoulders: small & small
I'm still such a weakling compared to Karrie, but I've really improved from where I started (just the small weight on all tracks).


Karrie said...

You are doing excellent! I have been going to bodypump at least once a week for almost a year and a half. You have been going for like a month and a half. And you are by no means a weakling. And the best part is, you will be improving each week, and probably pass me up soon! Keep up the great work!
PS lose the secret code you have to type in to leave a comment!

Erin said...

Okay, I changed some comment setting, and I think I eliminated that "secret code" thing. Let me know if it didn't work and I'll try to fix it.

Anonymous said...

you basically do the same as me, and I've gone more than you, or at least I used to go more... now I guess it's about the same, anyway I don't think you're a weakling at all. PS the secret code is gone.

deanne said...

Your picture is cute!

Karrie said...

You haven't blogged in an entire week. Where are you? I know I saw you at the gym at least two times since you last posted.